10 Ways to Make Your Kids Birthday Extra Special

Make Your Kids Birthday Special

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πŸŽ‰1. Birthday scavenger hunt. Make opening their gifts even more fun by increasing the anticipation! Use this scavenger hunt printable to leave them clues around the house leading to their gift.
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πŸŽ‰2. Wrap each individual packed lunch item in wrapping paper. If you send your kids to school with a packed lunch this is a fun way to keep the birthday momentum going. You can put special things inside that you normally wouldn’t send for lunch, like a miniature cupcake or a small gift.
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πŸŽ‰3. Eat with a special birthday plate. There are lots of special plates you can purchase online. To hand-make one yourself, buy a ceramic plate and write on it with a porcelain pen you can find online or in craft stores.
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πŸŽ‰4. Make a special birthday chair. Attach balloons, streamers and a birthday sign to make a special chair for them to sit in for meals or while opening their gifts.
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πŸŽ‰5. Fill their room with balloons. You can use helium balloons to float around the room or blow them up yourself to cover the floor.
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πŸŽ‰6. Birthday bath. Color bath water with a couple drops of food dye or bath color tablets and fill with balloons. Another fun touch is cracking a few glow sticks and tossing them in for a glowing bath!
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πŸŽ‰7. Write a birthday message on the bathroom mirror. You can use the traditional option of lipstick but a less messy option is a simple dry-erase marker.
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πŸŽ‰8. Wear a birthday crown or tiara. You can purchase one pre-made or make your own with a simple foam crown from the craft store, decorated with paint, glitter, and stickers.
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πŸŽ‰9. Have flowers delivered to the school. Make your kids feel extra special by sending them a special delivery right to their school desk.
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πŸŽ‰10. Tell them the story of when they were born and look at photos. Kids love hearing stories about themselves. It’s fun to reminisce about the day they were born and show them photos of their tiny selves.

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